
hey! i'm teddy (he/soup) and this is my space :)

it's a very new website, so please pardon the dust as I get things set up!


this site was first started on december 6, 2023!

there's a lot i have planned for this site, including a blog and list of the projects i'm working on.


mechanical keyboards

recently i finally got the ergonomic split keyboard i've been wanting for almost two years thanks to my wonderful partner! it's called the voyager from zsa (pictured below) and i've been having a great time learning colemak-dh, a new typing layout (also pictured below), on it. after just a few days, i'm up to 40 wpm and around 98% accuracy on typing tests (though i know i type a lot slower and with more mistakes when i'm also trying to think).

The Voyager with blank keycaps. Photo by ZSA.
The Colemak layout for ortholinear keyboards.